Artisan Essential Oils, Aromatherapy & Handmade Vibrational Accessories

Crystal Guide - OLD

Crystal Quick Guide

Amazonite -  Has a powerful physical and mental filtering action. An extremely soothing stone that is calming and balancing to the brain and nervous system


  • Blocks geopathic stress

  • Absorbs microwave and cellphone emanations

  • Protects against electromagnetic pollution

  • Dissipates negative energy & blockages within the nervous system

  • Benefits osteoporosis, tooth decay, calcium deficiency & deposits balancing metabolic deficiencies 

  • Relieves muscle spasms

  • Aligns physical body with the etheric


  • Soothes emotional trauma

  • Alleviates worry & fear

  • Dispels negative energy & aggression


  • Assists in manifesting universal love

  • Balances masculine & feminine energies

  • Opens intuition

Amethyst - An extremely powerful and protective stone with a high spiritual vibration. Has strong healing and cleansing powers and enhances spiritual awareness. 


  • Boosts production of hormones

  • Tunes the endocrine system & metabolism 

  • Strengthens the cleansing & eliminating organs & the immune system

  • Cleanses blood

  • Relieves physical pain

  • Eases headaches & releases tension

  • Reduces bruising, injuries & swelling

  • Treats hearing disorders

  • Heals dis-eases of the lungs & respiratory tract, skin conditions, cellular disorders & digestive tract

  • Benefits intestines, regulating flora, removing parasites & encouraging reabsorption of water

  • Treats insomnia, a natural tranquilizer


  • Supports sobriety

  • Enhances focus & memory

  • Aids the transmission of neural signals through the brain

  • Improves motivation

  • Promotes emotional entering

  • Dispels rage, anger, fear & anxiety

  • Alleviates sadness & grief


  • Enhances higher states of consciousness & meditation

  • Facilitates spiritual insight & wisdom

  • Encourages selflessness

  • Opens intuition

  • Enhances psychic gifts

Carnelian - A stabilizing stone full of life force promoting high energy and vitality physically and mentally. It grounds and anchors you to the present by giving courage and promoting positive life choices. 


  • Stimulates metabolism

  • Influences female reproductive organs

  • Increases fertility

  • Heals impotence

  • Alleviates lower back pain

  • Heals rheumatism, arthritis & neuralgia

  • Regulates body fluids and kidneys

  • Accelerates healing in bones & ligaments 

  • Stanches blood

  • Improves absorption of vitamins & minerals

  • Ensures a good supply of blood to organs & tissues


  • Alleviates depression (especially in those of advanced yrs)

  • Improves analytic abilities 

  • Clarifies perception

  • Sharpens concentration

  • Dispels mental lethargy 

  • Protector against rage, envy and resentment

  • Calms anger

  • Banishes emotional negativity


  • Removes fear of death

  • Protects the dead on their journey to the afterlife

  • Ability to cleanse other stones

Fluorite - A highly protective stone that cleanses and stabilizes. The best crystal to overcome any form of disorganization you may feel. Its also a powerful healing tool, dealing with infections and disorders.


  • Benefits teeth, cells & bones

  • Repairs DNA damage

  • Powerful against viruses

  • Regenerates the skin & mucus membranes

  • Heals ulcers & wounds

  • Beneficial for colds, flu & sinusitis

  • Dissolving adhesions & mobilizing joints

  • Alleviates arthritis, rheumatism & spinal injuries

  • Pain relief

  • Ameliorates discomfort of shingles & other nerve related pain

  • Heals skin removing blemishes & wrinkles

  • Rekindles sexual libido 

  • Blocks geopathic stress


  • Relieves stress of all kinds

  • Dissolves fixed patterns of behavior

  • Increases self-confidence & dexterity

  • Improves physical & mental coordination

  • Excellent learning aid

  • Increases concentration & promotes quick thinking


  • Cleanses & stabilizes the aura

  • Heightens intuitive powers

  • More aware of higher spiritual realities

  • Dissolves illusions & reveals truth

Garnet - A powerfully energizing and regenerating stone. It revitalizes, purifies, and balances energy. Also considered one of the most plentiful stones. 


  • Regenerates the body & stimulates the metabolism

  • Treats spinal & cellular disorders

  • Purifies & reenergizes the blood, heart & lungs

  • Regenerates DNA

  • Assists assimilation of mineral & vitamins

  • Balances sex drive

  • Stimulates the rise of kundalini energy 

  • Aides sexual potency


  • Sharpens perceptions of yourself & others

  • Dissolves ingrained behavior patterns

  • Bypasses resistance or self-induced unconscious sabotage

  • Helps you let go of useless or old or obsolete ideas

  • Removes inhibitions & taboos

  • Opens the heart & creates self-confidence


  • Inspires love & devotion

  • Strong link to pituitary gland & can stimulate expanded awareness & past-life recall

Green Aventurine - A comforter and heart healer, and general harmonizer, protecting the heart. Brings things back in control and is useful in malignant conditions. An all-round healer, binging in well-being and emotional calm.


  • Settles nausea 

  • Benefits the thymus gland, connective tissue & nervous system

  • Balances blood pressure

  • Stimulates metabolism, lowering cholesterol & preventing arteriosclerosis & heart attacks

  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect & helps ease skin eruptions & allergies

  • Relieves migraine headaches

  • Soothes the eyes

  • Heals adrenals, lunge, sinuses, heart, & muscular & urogenital systems


  • Dissolves negative emotions & thoughts

  • Reinforces leadership qualities & decisiveness

  • Promotes compassion & empathy

  • Encourages perseverance 

  • Relieves stammers & severe neuroses bringing understanding of what lies behind the condition

  • Stabilizes one’s state of mind

  • Enhances creativity

  • Calms anger & irritation

  • Balances male-female energy


  • Protects the heart chakra, guarding against psychic vampirism of heart energy

Howlite - An extremely calming stone that stills the mind, body and spirit.


  • Alleviates insomnia 

  • Balances calcium levels

  • Aids in healing teeth, bones and soft tissue


  • Teaches patience

  • Reduces stress, anxiety & tension

  • Strengthens positive character traits

  • Strengthens memory


  • Opens attunement

  • Prepares the mind to receive wisdom & insight

  • Accesses past lives

  • Formulates ambition

Lapis Lazuli - Stone of protection, peace and physical healing. It also encourages taking charge of life and bonding relationship with the self and others. 


  • Alleviates pain & migraines

  • Alleviates insomnia and 

  • Boosts immune system

  • Benefits the respiratory, nervous system

  • Purifies blood, lowers blood pressure

  • Cleanses organs


  • Overcomes depression

  • Quickly releases stress

  • Dessolves emotional bondage

  • Aids in expressing emotions & feelings

  • Powerful thought amplifier 


  • Stimulates enlightenment & spiritual power

  • Enhances dream work & psychic abilities

  • Possesses enormous serenity

Moon Stone - The “stone of new beginnings”. Strongly connected to moon and intuition. Its most powerful effect is that of calming the emotions. Is reflective and reminds us that everything is a cycle of change. 


  • Powerfully affects the female reproductive cycle & alleviates menstrual-related dis-ease & tension

  • Linked to the pineal gland & balances the hormonal system

  • Stabilizes fluid imbalances

  • Helps the digestive system

  • Assimilates nutrients

  • Eliminates toxins

  • Fluid retention

  • Alleviates degenerative conditions of skin, hair, eyes, & fleshy organs such as the liver & pancreas

  • Excellent for PMS, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, & breast-feeding

  • The stone can prevent sleep-walking

  • Heals disorders of the upper digestive tract that are related to emotional stress


  • Soothes emotional instability & stress

  • Improves emotional intelligence

  • Opens the mind to sudden & irrational impulses, serendipity & synchronicity 

  • Aids men who want to get in touch with their female side


  • Enhances psychic abilities

  • Develops clairvoyance

Obsidian - Works extremely fast and with great power. Very effective in soaking up negative energies. One of it’s greatest gifts is insight into the cause of dis-ease. 


  • Aids in the digestion of anything that is hard to promotes physical digestion

  • Detoxifies, dissolving blockages & tension in the physical and subtle bodies, including hardening arteries

  • Reduces the pain of arthritis, joint problems cramps & injuries

  • Alleviates pain

  • Stanches bleeding, benefiting the circulation

  • Can be used to shrink an enlarged prostate


  • Brings clarity to the mind & clears confusion & restricting beliefs

  • Helps you know who you truly are

  • Helps you identify behavioral patterning that is now outdated

  • Dissolves emotional blockages & ancient traumas bringing depth & clarity 

  • Promotes qualities of  compassion & strength


  • Eliminates energy blockages & relieves tension, integrating the psychological shadow to bring spiritual integrity

  • Anchors the spirit into the body

  • Urges exploration into the unknown, opening new horizons 

Quartz - The most powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet. It is a master healer and can be used for any condition. Acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind.


  • Stimulates the immune system & brings body into balance

  • Excellent for soothing burns

  • Aligns subtle bodies

  • Harmonizes all the chakras 

  • Enhances muscle testing

  • Relieves pain & headaches


  • Aids in concentration 

  • Unlocks memory


  • Raises energy to the highest possible level

  • Ability to dissolve karmic seeds

  • Enhances psychic ability

  • Attunes you to your spiritual purpose

  • Used in mediation, it filters out distractions

Red Jasper - Known as the “supreme nurturer”. Sustains and supports during times of stress, and brings tranquility and wholeness. It also prolongs, sexual pleasure and supports during prolonged illnesses and reenergizes the body.


  • Supports the circulatory, digestive, & sexual organs

  • Balances the mineral content of the body

  • Strengthens & detoxifies the the circulatory system, the blood, & liver

  • Dissolves blockages in the liver or bile ducts


  • Imparts determination to all pursuits

  • Encourages honesty with yourself

  • Supports during necessary conflict

  • Aids quick thinking

  • Promotes organizational abilities 

  • Stimulates the imagination & transforms ideas into action


  • Provides protection & grounds energies & the body

  • Balances yin & yang & aligns the physical, emotional, & mental bodies with the etheric realm

  • Facilitates dream recall

Rose Quartz - The stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. Most important crystal of the heart and the finest healer.


  • Strengthens the physical heart & circulatory system

  • Releases impurities from body fluids

  • Aids chest & lung problems

  • Heals the kidneys & adrenals

  • Alleviates vertigo 

  • Increases fertility 

  • Soothes burns & blistering

  • Smoothes the complexion

  • Helpful in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, & senile dementia


  • Releases unexpressed emotions & heartache & transmuting emotional conditioning that no longer serves

  • Soothes internalizing pain 

  • Heals deprivation

  • Opens your heart so that you become receptive

  • Comforts grief from loss of love

  • Encourages self-forgiveness & acceptance

  • Strengthens empathy

  • Excellent stone for mid-life crisis


  • Draws off negative energy & replaces it with loving vibes

  • Enhances positive affirmations

  • Reminds you of your intentions 

  • Promotes receptivity to beauty of all kinds

Sodalite - Unites logic with intuition and opens spiritual perception bringing information from the higher mind down to the physical level and an excellent stone for the mind.


  • Balances metabolism

  • Overcomes calcium deficiencies

  • Cleanses the lymphatic system & organs, boosting the immune system

  • Combats radiation damage

  • Overturns insomnia

  • Treats the throat, vocal cords & larynx

  • Helpful for hoarsness

  • Treats digestive disorders

  • Cools fevers

  • Lowers blood pressure

  • Stimulates absorption or fluid in the body


  • Eliminates mental confusion & intellectual bondage

  • Encourages rational thought, objectivity, truth & intuitive perception, together with the verbalization of thoughts and feelings

  • Calms the mind & allows new information to be received

  • Stimulates release of old mental conditioning & rigid mindsets

  • Brings about emotional balance & calms panic attacks

  • Releases core fears, phobias, guilt & controlled mechanisms that hold you back from your true self

  • Enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance, & self-trust


  • Deepens meditation

  • Instills a drive for truth & an urge towards idealism

Tiger’s Eye - Serves as a protective stone. It shows the correct use of power and brings out integrity. It grounds an facilitates manifestation of the will and anchors change into the physical body. 


  • Treats the eyes & aids in night vision

  • Heals the throat

  • Heals the reproductive organs

  • Dissolves constrictions 

  • Helpful for repairing broken bones


  • Balances yin & yang

  • Energizes emotional body

  • Alleviates depression & lifts mood

  • Heals issues of self-worth, self-criticism, & blocked creativity

  • Aids in recognizing one’s talents & abilities 

  • Supports an addictive personality in making changes

  • Integrates the hemispheres of the brain & enhances practical perception

  • Makes scattered information coherent

  • Helpful in resolving dilemmas & internal conflict

  • Particularly helpful in curing mental dis-ease & personality disorders


  • Combines the earth energy with the energies of the sun to create a high, grounded vibrational state, drawing the spiritual energies to earth

  • Enhances psychic abilities 

  • Balances lower chakras