Artisan Essential Oils, Aromatherapy & Handmade Vibrational Accessories





100% All Natural

We pride ourselves on using only 100% pure all natural ingredients in our products and believe that is why they are so effective. They are not cut in any way by preservatives and are all paraben free. If it isn’t 100% all natural, Madame doesn’t want it on her body and she assumes you don’t either.

Superior Artisan Essential Oils

We do not use any oil that has been mass-produced for the commercial market. We use only the highest quality, therapeutic grade essential oils, carrier oils and hydrosols produced by small artisan distillers for the sole purpose of being used for therapeutic use. Many are wild harvested or organically hand grown on small farms or plantations, with a great deal of love and care in co-creation.

In many cases, there is only enough of these artisan quality essential oils produced to supply a few large customers annually. The superior quality of these therapeutic grade essential oils & hydrosols cannot be found in corporate health food stores, network marketing companies or big online retail suppliers.

Healing Crystal Infused

Whenever possible our remedies are always infused with shards of the appropriate all natural healing crystals. This not only adds to the healing vibration of each remedy, it also helps blend all the oils together more easily for a perfect mix, when you go to shake and activate your remedy before using it. In addition, we only use all natural crystal healing gemstones for our roller tops.

Vibrational Preparation

Each one of Madame’s remedies are created in small batches within a copper tensor ring emitting a healing frequency of 144 MHz and surrounded by an all natural crystal grid. Upon completion each remedy is quality checked and sound bathed in a frequency of 432 MHz (for abundance & love) or 528 MHz (for healing & DNA repair) depending on the intended use of the remedy.  

Our Commitment To You

Madame only makes products that she would use on herself & that she would like to buy. Her goal is to create the purest products, from the purest of ingredients, that will help you heal naturally, as fast as possible, with no detrimental side effects like so many products on the commercial market today. Madame strongly believes that with the proper use of essential oils, the proper diet and appropriate healing techniques everything in the body is curable and so much more than we dream of can be cured all naturally.

Always Adapting & Growing

Our essential oil blends are always subject to change as some of the oils we use are in limited supply or only available seasonally.  In the case that we find something that works better, we may slightly change the ingredient(s) of our blends to make them more effective. Please always make sure to check the bottle and website product pages for current ingredient updates and patch test products in case of unknown allergies.

More Details About the Products We Use

Crystal Guide
Hydrosol Guide
Carrier Oil Guide


How We Began

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

Our founder Gianna Gragnani didn’t always believe in all natural remedies. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Her journey into the realm of healing was motivated by her own need of healing. 

It was an agonizing foot injury from a horse accident that had kept Gianna from walking on her own for over eight months. Limping about on her swollen left foot, she was in constant pain and her prescribed medications and therapies were becoming less and less effective.  

After spending month after month, seeing doctor after doctor, taking pill after pill, pursuing multiple misdiagnoses and several physical therapy options, she really felt she had exhausted every resource in Western medicine that she could think of.

Serendipitously, Gianna felt inspired to reach out to a couple whom she had known for years through her business; the woman an all natural healer, and the man a shaman. After some intense discussions and personal pondering, Gianna took a figurative leap of faith and travelled to the base of the Grand Canyon in Arizona to stay for five days on the sacred Anasazi ground that the couple live and work on.  

Those five days would change her life forever and the miraculous couple have since become Gianna’s teachers and mentors. 

To her own amazement, using only all natural essential oils, crystals, massage and sound therapy, Gianna’s healers accomplished in five days what Western medicine couldn’t in eight months. She was able to leave those sacred grounds completely pain free and without a limp, gaining a deep connection to the powerful practices, essential oils, crystals and natural remedies she discovered on her healing journey. 

Like a sponge, Gianna began to soak up all she could from the couple. During those five transformational days, she spent every waking hour learning how to wield the power of all natural essential oils, and from that point on, the seed was planted.  

When she returned to regular life walking effortlessly on two healthy feet, Gianna threw herself into studying these new methods so that she could create the remedies she had desired but had never found. 

Gianna had always been very allergic to mosquito bites, so for her very first product, she worked hard to create the Bug Bite Bestie. Thrilled that the all around bug bite remedy worked like a charm on her sensitive skin, she was eager to let her friends try it out and gave away lots of samples. 

In the heat of summer, and the height of mosquito season, the good news of her effective bug bite remedy travelled fast amongst friends and the crystal-infused roller has been one of our top sellers ever since!

Inspired by this success and the growing list of requests she had received from her friends turned customers, Gianna went on to create several more all natural aromatherapy blends for insomnia, adrenal fatigue, anxiety, depression, PMS, cramps, rashes, allergies, herpes outbreaks, hemorrhoids, digestive issues and more. She’s also dove into the beauty and wellness pool with a nurturing line of anti aging skin products

Little by little, one success story led to another, and then another, and another; and before she knew it, Gianna had created an arsenal of effective all natural remedies and Madame’s Apothecary was born.