Artisan Essential Oils, Aromatherapy & Handmade Vibrational Accessories



from $25.00

Our skin soothing Val-X2 aromatherapy formula is made with a combination of highly supportive all natural artisan essential oils derived from herbs that have been historically known to have strong anti-viral inhibiting properties and skin soothing effects when it comes to easing some of those infamous discomforts related to certain viral skin conditions such as herpes, chicken pox and shingles, which are known to cause painful skin inflammation and flare ups.

These powerful essential oils with anti-viral and skin nourishing properties are said to help boost the bodies natural ability to protect itself in a viral skin infection and help soothe skin discomforts for a drastically quicker and more pleasant recovery.

None of the essential oils used in this blend are known to cause any extra uncomfortable or stressful side effects at the proper dilutions. The most you will feel is a warm little sting when you apply it, the way rubbing alcohol might feel as it disinfects a wound. Always check the ingredients of any new products and make sure to patch test new products in case of known or unknown allergies.

External Use Only

This specific essential oil blend is meant for external use only and not to be used on open mucous membranes or help support any internal skin irritations in the nose, mouth or vaginally. Do not ingest or get in eyes.

More About the Ingredients

Ravensare has strong anti-viral properties and said to be one of the strongest natural essential oils for helping to combat herpes breakouts, shingles and chicken pox. Inhaling it is said to relieve fear, anxiety, and nervous fatigue. It is a superior massage oil at the proper dilution, as it can help move lymph congestion or release inflamed muscles, tension and pain. It is even more effective for viral skin lesions, dermatitis, small injuries and wounds when used with a luxuriant and ultra moisturizing foraha carrier oil.

Foraha, also known as tamanu, is a highly moisturizing carrier oil with fatty properties that are readily absorbed into the skin leaving no unpleasant greasy residue behind. It is often used in skin and hair care preparations, as it carries its own medicinal properties. It has more essential oil constituents in it than a normal carrier oil, making it an incredible asset when blending any type of anti-viral oil blends or massage oils. It also has restorative properties for the colon and rectum, which makes it a nice herbal remedy for hemorrhoids.

Melissa is also known as Lemon Balm. Studies have found Melissa to be a powerful anti-viral known for greatly diminishing viral skin outbreaks such as herpes, shingles, and chicken pox. It can bring about great relief from the symptoms of many viral infections, including flu. True melissa essential oil is very rare because the plants yield such small quantities of oil. Most melissa essential oil on the market has been adulterated with other oils or extenders, which is evidenced by drastically cheaper prices. Ours is guaranteed to contain only pure genuine melissa essential oil, that is hand distilled by the finest artisans.

Helichrysum is also known as Everlasting essential oil. It is well known for being highly effective in helping to regenerate skin cells, scars, burns and wounds. One of the gentlest essential oils available–it is one of the few oils that can be used on the skin undiluted and can be used for children, elderly, and sensitive people. It has also been shown to be effective for herpes outbreaks and can be applied directly to sores. Many aromatherapists keep it on hand because it helps to disinfect and stop bleeding when applied undiluted to a wound or burn.

Holy Basil has been used in India as a medicinal tonic and daily tea for thousands of years. It has been used to treat fevers, colds and flu, and to stimulate and strengthen the immune system. It can be used topically to eliminate the symptoms of shingles and other herpes conditions, and to relieve dry skin and itching. Holy basil essential oil is also one of the most anti-infectious essential oils. It is known to effective against, staph- and strep- infections, and many other bacterial and viral based illnesses.

We Suggest Ordering Before a Flare Up

We understand that when a viral flare up occurs our customers really want to have their soothing Val-X2 anti-viral formula quickly available and on hand. Because products do take time to ship, even with 2 day priority shipping, we always suggest buying before a viral flare up happens and having a little of the Val-X2 on hand in case you feel any type of skin eruption coming on.

When To Apply This Aromatherapy Blend

Typically people know when their immune system is compromised and an outbreak is about to happen to them as they can feel a little tingling sensation before an outbreak occurs. This is when we suggest that you begin applying the soothing Val-X2 supportive aromatherapy oil blend 2-3 times daily to the affected area until any skin irritation or discomfort has successfully subsided.

In our experience, the faster you can apply these supportive essential oils when you feel the very first tingling of a flare up about to occur, the faster these all natural herbs can begin to work to help support the diminishing process of that flare up much more quickly.

How long do I have until this product expires?

When stored correctly in a cool dark place with no sunlight or in a refrigerator the essential oils in this blend can preserve for 3+ years. Never leave any essential oils in direct sunlight or heat as it will degrade the oils and can cause them to be sensitizing.

Crystal Infused with

Whenever possible we always infuse the appropriate crystals with our blends to enhance their vibrational healing capabilities.

  • Green Aventurine is said to be an all around general healer that calms and protects. It is known to have anti-inflammatory effects, ease skin eruptions, allergies, adrenals, stimulate cell repair & regrowth and is said to help heal the muscular and urogenital systems.

  • Garnet is a known to be a powerful energizing and regenerating crystal especially in times of crisis or feeling stuck. It is said to revitalize, purify and balance our entire physical well being, regenerate the body, purify and reenergize the blood, heart & lungs, help with spinal and cellular disorders & regenerate DNA.

  • And while we don’t diffuse it inside your remedy, we always send a small flat piece of Lapis Lazuli with your remedy that you can hold to your skin for added crystal healing. Lapis is known to be one of the most powerful stones of protection, peace, positivity and physical healing. It is said to reduce inflammatory diseases, alleviate pain, boost the immune system, release stress and anxiety, cleanses negative views and energies and help purify the blood and lower blood pressure.

Nut Allergy Warning!

Foraha is cold-pressed from the nut of the Calphyllum Inophyllum tree. If you have any known allergies to nuts please use your best judgment on whether this product is right for you by patch testing a very small amount on your skin before using a full dose of this remedy.

Our products are not recognized or approved by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or illness. This information is purely anecdotal, and is provided for educational purposes only. It is not meant to be taken as medical advice. Please always see a health care professional for medical advice. Do not use internally. Always patch test natural products before using in case of allergies. Do not ingest or get in eyes. Always store away from children. Never leave essential oils in direct sunlight or heat. More About Our Disclaimer

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If You Want To Help Your Body Heal Even Faster

Make a couple quarts of lemon balm tea and store it in the fridge.  It makes a great drench for cleansing the break out areas.  Pour it on the wounded skin, or dab the sore with a tea soaked cotton pad.  It is mild enough to be soothing, and the anti-viral effects will accelerate what the essential oil blend is doing.   Using these two anti-viral formulas together until the outbreak is completely gone will help you heal the fastest.

For Added & More Permanent Long Lasting Relief

If you want more permanent long lasting relief from the HSV virus, you would need to fight the virus internally as well as externally and that relies mostly on the foods we eat. Whether you do it for the whole 2-3 months the way you would need to in order to fully rid yourself of the virus or at least while you are tying to heal… avoid coffee, soda, alcohol, refined carbs (such as breads and pastries), and sweetened foods and instead eat lots of fresh and steamed vegetables, fermented foods like yogurt and cole slaw, and small portions of high quality protein foods like eggs, grass fed beef or lamb, and wild salmon.  This will allow your immune system to really focus on eliminating the virus, instead of spending its extra energy trying to clean out the toxins produced from trying to also process the unhealthy foods it detects.

To Permanently Heal From The Herpes Virus

You would need to do both, the oils on your spine once a week, and do the Ultimate Candida Diet for at least 2-3 months, as well as take an all natural anti-viral supplement. It is rigorous, but we know all natural healers who have seen it done. If you need a suggestion for the anti-viral supplement or a healer to help guide you through that process, just let us know and we will be happy to point you in the right direction.

Nut Allergy Warning!

Foraha is cold-pressed from the nut of the Calphyllum Inophyllum tree. If you have any known allergies to nuts please use your best judgment on whether this product is right for you by patch testing a very small amount on your skin before using a full dose of this remedy.

As with any all natural products, none of our products are recognized or approved by the FDA.  They are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.  This information is anecdotal, and is provided for educational purposes only.  It is not meant to be taken as medical advice.  See a health care professional for medical advice. More About Our Disclaimer

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