Artisan Essential Oils, Aromatherapy & Handmade Vibrational Accessories

Ebb & Flow

Ebb & Flow



In general, Moonstone is the “stone of new beginnings.” Its most powerful effect is in its ability to calm and clarify our mixed emotions while allowing us to internally listen to ourselves and sort them out. This is what makes Black Moonstone so perfect for any situation that may result in emotional distress.


Black Moonstone enhances our intuition to know where change is needed in our lives and provides us the will to be able to make that change. It's easy to get caught up in the stress of all that it takes to achieve our dreams and goals, but once we're clear with our intentions, the steps to take don't seem as scary. Transformation is, after all, a part of the ebb & flow of life.


Lava Stone gives us strength and courage, providing us with the extra stability we need through times of change. Born in volcanic fire, Lava Stone has the permanent residual firepower to help pull us back from situations we otherwise might be scorched by, providing us with the protection, guidance, and understanding to know what it is we need to do in order to "bounce back."


“I embrace the ebb & flow of my life with clarity & strength”


Not only is Lava Stone naturally calming and useful in dissipating anger, but its porous surface also makes it a perfect pocket diffuser to take with you on the go!

Just add 1-2 drops of your favorite all natural healing essential oil remedy to keep your favorite aroma around you longer and stronger.


Some of our favorite all natural healing remedies to use with the healing Ebb & Flow energy of this pocket diffuser bracelet are:

- Cloud 9 (Anti-Depressant & Mood Lifting)
- Sweet Dreams (Sleep & Insomnia)
- Temper Tamer (PMS)

And that's not all Moonstone and Lava Stone do! To learn more about the physical, emotional and spiritual benefits of these all natural healing stones, check out our Crystal Guide page.

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Master Healer

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Queen Chi

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