Hyssop Essential Oil
Hyssop essential oil is a very old herbal remedy with numerous biblical references. Its historical use as an ingredient in several Holy Oil recipes is well known.
It’s stimulating aroma clears grief, and relieves anxiety and depression. It raises awareness and focuses consciousness in the present moment.
Aromatic Profile
Top Note: Sweet, herbaceous, slightly camphoraceous notes
Heart Note: Sweet, herbaceous, spicy, woody, notes
Base Note: Spicy, woody notes
Tenacity: Medium
In natural perfumery, hyssop essential oil is used in sacred perfumes, colognes, fougeres, amber blends, oriental perfumes, and high class florals.
It combines well with all citruses, including ruby grapefruit, and combava petitgrain.
More About Our Hyssop Essential Oil
Size: 5ml amber glass bottle or 1.5ml amber glass sample vial
Source: Bulgaria
Production Method: Steam distilled from certified organic flowers, leaves, and aerial parts
Botanical Name: Hyssopus officianalis
Homeopathic Properties of Hyssop Essential Oil
Internal–oral, inhalation with caution
External–topical application, skin conditions, massage, local compress, spinal compress, points & energy centers
Observations and Anecdotal Information
Hyssop is very suitable for inhalation to relieve many different forms of respiratory ailments. Its ability to clear congestion from the lungs and bronchial tubes, and to ease coughing and respiratory distress associated with colds and flu is unrivaled. It can also help relieve symptoms such as “smoker’s cough” and emphysema.
It is also a powerful disinfectant. It is great for use in an inhaler (combined with other oils), for use when traveling by plane. The toxic exposure from recycled air is counter-acted by this oil to help you feel refreshed by the end of the flight.
Hyssop is great to use against viral and bacterial infections in the synesis and throat due to it’s various anti-infectious properties. It’s known as one of the best mucolytics and can help to liquify mucus. Which is especially useful for conditions such as, pneumonia and bronchitis, where mucus can become thick and/or stuck in the throat and respiratory system.
Spiritually, Hyssop Essential Oil is helpful when clearing old patterns of unresolved grief, and can be applied to the chest or inhaled for this purpose.
Hyssop essential oil can be used as an herbal remedy for vaginal infection. Use several drops on a tampon inserted overnight. It is best to test first with a tiny drop of oil to make sure you can handle the sensation. Some people find it too intense.
Hyssop has anti-cancer properties. A drop or two of hyssop essential oil added into herbal formulas can be beneficial for this purpose.
Generally recognized as safe at normal dosage.
Avoid use with pregnant and lactating mothers, infants, and small children.
Avoid use with high blood pressure.
Keep all essential oils away from eyes.
Store in a safe place, out of the reach of children.
All internal uses should be researched and/or supported by a health care professional. Product quality and dosage are critically important when using essential oils internally.
None of our products are recognized or approved by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. This information is anecdotal, and is provided for educational purposes only. It is not meant to be taken as medical advice. See a health care professional for medical advice. More about our disclaimer.